The main function of a stripper header is to strip the grain or seed from a crop and then to deliver it into the feederhouse of the combine. Shelbourne Reynolds stripper headers maximize this process and are continually being improved and updated to make the header more efficient and appealing to a wider range of customers and crops around the world.

The basic concept of the stripper header is that a rotating rotor located in the front of the header is fitted with 8 rows of stripping fingers that strip grain from the crop as the combine moves the head forwards while it spins backwards.

After the grain has been stripped by the rotor, a series of deflectors within the header deflect the grain back into a conventional auger and pan.

This auger then moves the material to the center where it enters the feederhouse of the combine. 85% of the grain is threshed by the header meaning that the material entering the combine is predominantly grain, chaff, leaf and minimal straw.